If you are looking for something fun and exciting to do with your friends or your family this holiday season, consider taking a tour of the homes in your area that are covered with Christmas lights. There are party bus tours that will take everyone to see all of the houses together in one bus so that you can all discuss the houses you see at one time and really be able to enjoy the experience together. The guide below walks you through a few things you need to consider when booking a bus tour to see the Christmas lights in your area.

Consider How Many People You Want to Take on the Tour 

When you are booking the tour, it is important to realize that the bus only has a certain number of seats. You need to find out how many seats are available on a bus to ensure that you do not invite more people to go on the tour than can fit on the bus. If you do not have enough people to fill an entire bus, the tour company may offer you the option of riding with another small group to see the tour.

Be Sure to Find Out About the Bathroom Accommodations

If you plan on taking the tour with someone who has incontinence issues or someone who simply has to use the restroom often, you may want to find out what the bathroom accommodations are for the tour. Some tours schedule bathroom breaks into the tour to ensure that everyone can use the restroom when needed. Some party buses have restrooms built into them for people to use as needed, while other buses do not have any accommodations, but will stop if someone says that they need to use the restroom.

Find Out if Alcohol Is Allowed on the Tour

If you plan on going on the tour with a few adult friends and want to bring alcohol with you on the tour, you need to be sure that it is allowed before bringing it on the bus. Some party bus companies allow alcohol, while others do not.

It is best to plan your tour in advance to ensure that you can get the bus for the exact date you want to get it for. Be sure to make sure that everyone you want to go on the tour is available on that day so that you do not have to reschedule the tour later on down the road.
